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Q: Can acupuncture cure alcohol addiction
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Amnesia is not a cure, it's a sickness. Even if it COULD cure those problems, there's no way to induce amnesia.

Will acupuncture cure my back pain?

Acupuncture can cure your back pain in a matter of minutes. Acupuncture is alternative medicine used to manipulate the nerves by inserting needles in the body.

How do you cure a person addicted to methamphetamine?

Addiction is a lifelong disease that can only be treated & has no "cure." 93% of addicts who go to treatment will relapse. The reality is that there's no cure for methamphetamine addiction or addiction to any drug or alcohol. There are only a variety of treatments. The most effective treatments are behavioral therapies & medication treatments to ease withdrawal symptoms.

Can acupuncture cure muscle pain in wrists?

yes acupuncture is effective in muscler man

What are the advantages drugs for the treatment of alcohol addiction?

To treat alcohol addiction, one must undergo an alcohol detox program that will cleanse an addict from alcohol residues. Alcohol addiction has a painful withdrawals especially when addiction is already severe. Alcohol drug rehab is necessary to fully recover from addiction.

How do you cure Hunger Games addiction?

There is no cure, sorry.

What should one with an alcohol addiction do?

Alcohol addiction is a very serious disease. There are multiple alcohol addiction clinics that can be used to aid with this disease. People should seek medical advice on enrolling into alcohol addiction center.

What is the definition of alcohol addiction?

The definition of alcohol addiction is as follows: alcohol addiction is when alcohol has interfered with someone's body and mind chemistry so much that he/she can no longer function normally without the use of alcohol.

Is alcohol addiction psychological physical or both?

Alcohol addiction is typically both psychological and physical.

What is alcohol disease?

Alcoholism, or alcohol addiction.

Forever an Addict?

If you suffer from an addiction, such as gambling addiction, alcohol addiction, or drug addiction, it is important to know, accept, and remember that you will always be an addict. A brief rest or even years of abstinence from the addiction will not cure your addiction. You will fall back into the same addictive behavior, so it is important to remember that you can't go back to these old habits without suffering serious personal consequences.

Can acupuncture and ayurvedic medicines cure parkinsons disease?

No. There are medicines to help control symptoms but there is no cure for Parkinson's disease.