No; there are a few days around ovulation when a woman is most fertile, but it is possible to get pregnant on ANY day of the month
The actual bleeding from the implantation happens once. The fertilized egg only implants once. However, some women bleed consistantly throughout their pregnancy; every month. Generally, if you're pregnant and you're a bleeder, it stops after month 3. Always get regular checkups just to be safe.
No, smooching or kissing does not make a woman pregnant. Pregnancy only occurs when sperm fertilizes an egg, typically through sexual intercourse.
No, men do not naturally produce hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in their bodies. This hormone is typically only found in pregnant women.
Pregnancy can occur as soon as the sperm fertilizes an egg, which can happen within minutes to hours after ejaculation. However, the exact timing can vary based on factors such as ovulation timing and sperm health. It's important to remember that pregnancy is not guaranteed with every instance of unprotected sex.
It is possible to get pregnant if one has a short period or only experiences bleeding for 2 days. Even though the likelihood is reduced, there can still be a chance of ovulation occurring shortly after the period ends, which could lead to pregnancy if sexual intercourse takes place during that time. It is important to always use contraception if you are not trying to conceive.
Usually cats are only pregnant for about a month and a half. So it would be very rare for that to happen.
It will give you a very nasty diarrhea.
The only time when you are safe are the first few days of your period. Any other time you can get pregnant and one reason is that a orgasm can make you ovulate again. Also only 12% of all women ovulate on the same day each month and the sperms can live up to 5 days inside of you.
Only if you have had intercourse in the last month.
Most women have a cycle that is fool-proof of telling you when you conceived. Whether your cycle is 28 days or 35 days, or something totally different, the majority of women ovulate at the same time. You ovulate about 12-14 days after you start your period. (When you ovulate, this is the time you can become pregnant.) For example, if you started your period on the 1st day of the month, you will be ovulating on about the 12th-14th of that month. It does not matter how long your period last. Women can only become pregnant about 2 days out of their cycle, so it is pretty easy to tell when you became pregnant. Just remember when you started your last period, and count about 12-14 days after that. (This can vary a little from woman to woman, but 12-14 is typical. It could be anywhere from 11-16. But in each cycle, there are only about 2 days a woman can actually become pregnant.) If there is any time in those 2 days that you had sex, chances are that is the time that made you pregnant.
No, absolutely not. If u are under 30/35 u have a good week that u could get pregnant. Maybe even a week and a half. Fertility depends on age and heredity but u can certainly get pregnant more than one or two days out of the month.
no because if you are pregnant you wouldn't even get you period unless you've lost you're baby!
Some women have no problem having kids right away, some however do. But in this case only one month of hormones from the pills would not really be an issue. If you were on them for 5 years then maybe but most women dont have a problem. I know women who are on the pill and take it everyday and still get pregnant.
No. Sperm can only live in the body 5-6 days.
No, you may not be pregnant. This happened to me, but then later on the month it occurred again for the correct amount of time.
No, This is only an Old Wise Tell.