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Shingles is pretty rare in kids and teens who have healthy immune systems. Shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox.It's easy to pass the virus on to people who aren't immune to chickenpox (like people who haven't already had chickenpox or gotten the chickenpox vaccine). The difference is that if they get infected, they won't get shingles.

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10y ago
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10y ago

Shingles isn't an infection that you catch. Instead, it's a reactivation of previous chickenpox infection. It results when immunity to chickenpox decreases, usually (but not always) with increased age. The typical patient is over 40.

It is not likely that a toddler, in her short lifetime, would get chickenpox or the vaccine and have a marked decrease in immunity. While shingles is possible, it is not likely.

See your healthcare provider for advice specific to your situation.

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10y ago

Yes, a baby can get chickenpox. Children who get chickenpox younger than 12 months are more likely to get shingles later in life.

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15y ago

The doctor thinks my great-hephew has shingles. He had mild chicken pox 6 weeks ago.

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10y ago

A baby would get chickenpox and not shingles. Shingles is a reactivation of the virus that causes chickenpox.

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13y ago

no. they can possible get chicken pox if exposed to the virus. The virus is dormant until there amune system is down, in which maybe later in life (30-90 yrs) could they get shingles.

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14y ago

yes.anyone can get shingles at any age.

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Q: Can a baby get shingles
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Will a baby who was immunized with varicella vaccine ten days ago get chickenpox from someone with shingles?

That is not a likely scenario. The varicella vaccine will already be effective, and the baby can only get chickenpox from direct contact with wet shingles blisters or ulcers.

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Shingles is only contagious is if you've never had chickenpox. Close, personal contact with open blisters passes the shingles virus, known as the varicella-zoster virus, from one person to another.

What happens to an infant who has been exposed to shingles?

Shingles and Chicken Pox are essentially the same bug, Varicella. It is more usual for a child to get Chicken Pox. Shingles tends to be something adults get, and it is very painful and debilitating. I'm not sure how old the infant is, but the most likely thing that could happen to an infant exposed to Shingles is that the baby will not get ill, or if the baby does get ill, s/he will get Chicken Pox rather than Shingles. Most mothers have had Chicken Pox and are immune to it, and the infant is protected by the immunity inherited from his or her mother for several months after birth. If the baby is breastfed, the immunity is passed to the baby through mother's milk for a lot longer. And if the baby is exposed to a germ or virus that the mother is not immune to, the mother's mature immunity system gets to work to make antibodies which are passed through the breastmilk to the baby so the mother actively helps to fight off infections her baby is exposed to. This answer applies only to infants who have normal health and nutritional status.

Can you get shingles from shingles if you have had shingles before?

No. Shingles is not contagious, but someone with shingles can give chicken pox or varicella to someone who has not had chicken pox before.

What is shingles in Spanish?


Can one pimple be shingles?

No. You only get shingles's if you have had chickenpox. No chickenpox no shingles's.

Will the shingles vaccine protect you from ever getting shingles?

Shingles vaccine protects you from the shingles for few years only.

Can you get the shingles vaccine after having shingles?

You could get the vaccine if you already had shingles; but it may not help you from recurrence of zoster, which by the way is less than 5%. If it does recur, the vaccine may help you.

Can you get shingles from lying in a bed after someone else who had shingles say in a hospital?

Shingles is caused by the chickenpox virus. You do not get shingles from someone with shingles; you get chickenpox from someone with shingles. Then when you get older, you will get shingles because you had chickenpox. Or, you might get older and never get chickenpox. In that case, you will thank your mother for having you vaccinated against chickenpox when you were a child.

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Can you take the shingles shot while having shingles

Can you get pregnant after shingles?

You can get pregnant after having shingles.

Did the hottub cause shingles?

No, it did not cause shingles.