Nothing will happen. The female cat, because she is not nor never will be on heat, will often not welcome the male's advances and might even fight him off. There is no chance she will get pregnant.
To stop this behaviour it would be advisable to neuter the young male cat.
Neutering refers to the surgical removal of a male cat's testes, while spaying refers to the surgical removal of a female cat's ovaries and uterus. As such, neutered cats are already sterilized, so they do not need to be spayed.
A neutered male cat will have a small incision where the testicles used to be located. In female cats, the incision is typically on the abdomen. Additionally, neutered cats may display behaviors such as reduced aggression, roaming, and marking.
Yes cats have an alpha structure. Depending on weather the cat is female or male and if the female cat is sprayed and the male is neutered. Making the female have a larger territory when it coming from the kittens.
Yes. Male cats that are not neutered will spray and may run off for days looking for mates. It will also cut down on unspayed female cats having kittens.
a cat that has had it's bitys cut off so it can not have any more babies, an entire cat is the opposite a cat that has had it's bitys cut off so it can not have any more babies, an entire cat is the opposite
No, neutered cats have had their testicles surgically removed.
Male cats do not go int heat, neutered or otherwise; heat is a characteristic of the female oestrus cycle. Even a properly neutered male may still respond to a female in heat, out of habit. If a cat has learned to spray before he was neutered, he very likely will continue after he has been neutered. It likely will be less frequent, but it can still happen.
Male cats are neutered and female cats are spayed.
No, neutered cats have had their testicles removed, so they do not have their "balls" anymore.
Yes, neutered male cats generally get along well with spayed female cats. Neutering reduces aggressive behavior and territorial instincts in male cats, making them more likely to peacefully coexist with female cats.
Yes, cats can still lick themselves after being neutered.
Female cats get spayed. Male cats get neutered. It's the smart thing to do.
I think you mean Neutered? :P Well cat's get Neutered because the owner does not wish for the cat to get other female cats pregnant. Neutering is for Male cats and Spaying is for Female Cats. If you would like to breed cats, then don't get them neutered/spayed! If you do not get your cat neutered, it doesn't mean that it's going to get female cats pregnant, you'll just have to keep a close eye on them. I have noticed that when a cat is in heat, it gets rather annoying! But that's just me! :)
Cats are very seldom castrated; a neutered cat does retain his penis. And a neutered tom will still cover a queen in heat, because his reactions to her scents and actions will still be in place.
Yes, neutered cats can still exhibit behaviors that may make them appear unneutered, such as spraying or aggressive behavior. However, physically, neutered cats will not have visible testicles.
No, neutered male cats cannot mate because they have been surgically sterilized, preventing them from reproducing.
First of all female cats aren't neutered they are spayed. The tom probably isn't neutered and all he smells are the two female cats inside.