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Nothing will happen. The female cat, because she is not nor never will be on heat, will often not welcome the male's advances and might even fight him off. There is no chance she will get pregnant.

To stop this behaviour it would be advisable to neuter the young male cat.

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14y ago
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16y ago

No, a female cat can't get pregnant once spayed as the ovaries are taken out.

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7y ago

No, a female cat can't get pregnant once spayed as the ovaries are taken out.
Nope.. =)

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13y ago

He might try, it won't work and it may be stressful. It's better if you get them both fixed.

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Q: Will an uncastrated male cats still mate neutered female?
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Can nuetered male cats go into heat and spray?

Male cats do not go int heat, neutered or otherwise; heat is a characteristic of the female oestrus cycle. Even a properly neutered male may still respond to a female in heat, out of habit. If a cat has learned to spray before he was neutered, he very likely will continue after he has been neutered. It likely will be less frequent, but it can still happen.

Do you have to spay the male and female cat as well?

Male cats are neutered and female cats are spayed.

Do you have to spay the male and female cat?

Female cats get spayed. Male cats get neutered. It's the smart thing to do.

Why Do you get cats nuerered?

I think you mean Neutered? :P Well cat's get Neutered because the owner does not wish for the cat to get other female cats pregnant. Neutering is for Male cats and Spaying is for Female Cats. If you would like to breed cats, then don't get them neutered/spayed! If you do not get your cat neutered, it doesn't mean that it's going to get female cats pregnant, you'll just have to keep a close eye on them. I have noticed that when a cat is in heat, it gets rather annoying! But that's just me! :)

Will a castrated tom cat still go after a female cat on heat?

Cats are very seldom castrated; a neutered cat does retain his penis. And a neutered tom will still cover a queen in heat, because his reactions to her scents and actions will still be in place.

Why is a tom cat hanging around your house howling you have 2 girl cats and they have all been neuted?

First of all female cats aren't neutered they are spayed. The tom probably isn't neutered and all he smells are the two female cats inside.

Do neutered cats need spaying?

Neutering refers to the surgical removal of a male cat's testes, while spaying refers to the surgical removal of a female cat's ovaries and uterus. As such, neutered cats are already sterilized, so they do not need to be spayed.

Do you have to neuter male cats?

No, but if you do they will be less vicious and they won't wander as far from home. (I have 4 cats and 2 are male. 1 is neutered and the other isn't. The neutered one doesn't have a care in life but the other one is still a big softy! It depends what your cat is like. Also, un-neutered male cats like to spray to mark their territory!) Hope this was useful to you.

Can sterilizes female cats be prey for unsterilized male cats?

Yes, un neutered males will try to mate with spayed females.

Are tom cats more competitive than female cats?

Yes. Intact (not neutered) Toms are more aggressive and more territorial.

How do you tell if a cat has been neutered?

A neutered male cat will have a small incision where the testicles used to be located. In female cats, the incision is typically on the abdomen. Additionally, neutered cats may display behaviors such as reduced aggression, roaming, and marking.

How do you prevent your cat from getting pregenent besides getting them 'spayed' or 'neutered'?

Keep them away from other intact cats of the opposite sex. It is much easier and less worrisome to have them spayed or neutered, however. Female cats will go into heat every 8 days if they are not spayed, and it is not a pleasant experience. Also spayed female cats have a largely decreased risk of ovarian and mammary tumors, and neutered male cats have a largely decreased risk of prostate cancer. If cats are neutered/spayed before they reach sexual maturity it will also prevent bad behaviors such as spraying.