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Yes, provided that the crackers do not contain Gelatin or any other product containing animal parts.

Animal Crackers contain whey, so vegetarians who eat things like cheese, milk etc can eat them. However vegans who don't consume any animal products cannot.

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13y ago
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14y ago

if their hypocritical or just so stupid they can't remember why they became vegetarians

^lol. Yes, animal crackers are not made out of animals.duh, its just a cracker.

Or is it?

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13y ago

I'd say yes, because they are pretty close to dog biscuits. Just kidding. But yeah, they can. (It doesn't count as cannibalism.)

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Q: Should vegetarians eat animal crackers
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Most vegetarians do NOT eat animals.There are many types of vegetarians. Vegetarian is merely a way of describing one's diet. All vegetarians eat vegetables, fruit, and grains. Below is a list of what certain types of vegetarians eat on top of this.Vegans: just consume vegetables, fruit, and grains and grain products that do not include eggs, gelatin, or other animal by-products.Ovo-Vegetarians: Also eat eggs.Lacto-Vegetarians: Also consume milk and milk products (milk, cheese, cream, yogurt, ...)Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarians: Also eat both eggs and milk products.Pollo-Vegetarians: Also eat poultry (and usually eggs)Pesco-Vegetarians: Also eat fishQuasi-Vegetarian: Eats vegetarian meals occasionally.

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you should eat saltine crackers

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