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Simple Answer, Yes. It comes out to 180 a month. It will not happen overnight and while some General Practitioners will do it, more likely you will have to go to a pain clinic. I have gone to a GP for five years and he will only do 150 a month or 5 a day. Besides the amount of medicine, which is a lot - they also worry about the amount of acetometephin in Vicodin. If you can ask for Vicodin with ibuprofen in it. IMHO it works better anyway. But for that amount you a) be able to have a legitimate reason for needing it b) have a good relationship with your doctor that they will do it or refer you to a pain managment specalist.

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14y ago

Yes. Taking it once per day for only one month could be habit-forming. Vicodin is addictive, so any use for long periods should be strictly observed.

Taking one per day for six months is a habit. I'm assuming this is for some sort of injury or rehabilitation but you will become used to taking it everyday. When you stop taking the pills after six months, you will miss the good feeling that you are used to getting after you take the pill. Your brain can't help but take note of the high that you get, whether you are intending to get it or not, it will just naturally miss it.

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15y ago

It depends on the number of doses the doctor prescribed. Certainly if you are way ahead of schedule, there will be questions asked and possibly a refill will be refused.

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How long does vicodin stay in hair if being tested for drugs?

I have no idea. Stop taking Vicodin, or if you've got a legitimate doctor's prescription it shouldn't be an issue. I have a friend who takes medication for ADD, but since it's prescribed by a doctor it does not pose a problem if he tests positive for amphetamines. If you're abusing Vicodin by using it without a valid prescription, you might consider addressing your addiction. Then drug tests become a non-issue.

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You can, but only if your doctor will prescribe it for you.

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First, stop taking the vicodin. Second, talk to your doctor about a alternate pain killer.

Can an employer not hire you if you take Vicodin?

If you are taking it without a legal prescription YES they can choose not to hire you.

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No.I have three kids, i took vicodin daily with my two youngest. It's safe. Even my doc percribed it at one point

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There are no adverse effects of taking vitamin B-12 with Methadone. My doctor administers my B-12 shots and I am on a Methadone prescription for pain.

If im drug tested for opiates and i am taking vicodin and lorcet but am prescribed it. Should I worry about anything else?

As long as you have a legit prescription from a doctor, and you are only using the drugs you have been prescribed, there should be no problem. You will need proof of a prescription, I'm sure, but other than that, you should be fine.

If im taking lorcet and im prescribed vicodin and not prescribed lorcet will it make a difference on a drug test?

If you do not have a script for the Lorcet, then yes. If you are taking anything you do not have a prescription for, you will be considered an abuser of prescription drugs. Also, keep in mind, it is against the law to take a prescription medication without having a prescription for it. Hope this helps.

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No. If you need an antibiotic, see a doctor and get a prescription.

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By taking it without being evaluated and prescribed by a doctor. Taking Methadone without a doctors prescription is considered abuse.