Perhaps bad coil or coil pak?
If you are getting power to your coil and you still have no spark at the spark plug, you have a bad coil. Beyond that you will have to chase the electrical system. could be a fusible link.
your coil packs are bad. this is not cheap to fix. sorry.
The spark is always blue. If your coil is bad your engine will misfire.
Bad coil wire, bad coil, etc...
Bad coil? Bad coil wire?
A bad ignition coil will cause your engine not to have any spark. Without any spark the engine cannot start or run.
No spark from coil, bad plug wires, or bad plugs.
Several things could cause a no spark situation on an engine. A bad coil, bad spark plug or coil wire, bad spark plugs, or a bad distributor could all cause this.
ok the coil produces spark the distributer directs it but check and see if the cap and rotor are dirty if the coil is bad or if you have a bad ground
coil makes enough juice ( Amp) to spark the spark plugs. A faulty spark plug stops the coil to empty all the juices it has made and this makes the coil itself goes bad.
symptoms are: you can hear the engine missing, spitting and sputtering, loss of can tell if it is a coil pack by unscrewing the spark plug that it connects to coil pack. when you look at your spark plug it should be a light grayish, white..this means the coil pack is is best if you do this with new spark plugs, because your spark plugs could be bad. but you do this process until you find a bad plug then, that coil pack probably is the bad coil pack.