An attorney can be sued for malpractice if the client believes that their attorney has performed poorly during a case. This has its risks as the client has to prove that there was severe negligence or malicious intent by their attorney.
Court appointed attorneys must talk to their clients because they need to understand the client's view of the situation in order to defend the client effectively.
The attorney-client privilege protects any information communicated between an attorney and his/her client.
FrugooScape was sued by Jagex for alleged copyright infringement. Jagex alleged that the client used on FrugooScape was their property.
Yes they can if they have an agreement of such sort better yet written agreement.
Immigration attorneys basically defend people who are accused of illegally immigrating to a country. Their goal is to keep their client in the country, and for them not to get deported.
Attorneys who work for the federal government only have one client and that client is the government. Federal attorneys are lawyers for the government. A regular united states citizen cannot be represent by a federal attorney.
Some do. It depends on the attorney, the firm (if there is one), and the relationship with the client.
only by order of judge or if the client stops payment to the lawer
The website Lawyers allows one to search for attorneys in a specified area and geographical region, accompanied by client and peer ratings. One option for tenant attorneys in New York City is Rubin & Licatesi, P.C., who currently hold perfect peer and client ratings.
a counselor says that her client hits because he is hungry with his co-workers. What mistake is the counselor making?