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Not deadly, some people do. I would not recommend it. You certainly do not need to in order to enjoy the cigar. And yes, inhaling cigar smoke is nearly as bad for as as inhaling cigarette smoke .

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14y ago
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15y ago

Not in the short term. Long term, cigars have the same potential for causing death as cigarettes -- worse, in fact, because their tobacco produces more of the harmful chemicals that lead to cancer, lung disease and cardiovascular problems.

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11y ago

Cigar's have more tar than cigarettes What people don't know is that tar is the main thing in cigarettes that Results in lung cancer. With the amount of tar in a cigar when you inhale it. It increases the risks of lung cancer rapidly. Say your 21 and you start to smoke and inhale cigarettes. By the time you reach 45 You'll have lung cancer. It depends on how much you inhale it. Like if you have a big boy cigar that takes up to an hour to completely finish. If you only inhale 4 to 5 times. The risks of lung cancer increases by alot. If you inhale the whole big boy cigar with every drag you take The chances of lung cancer is certain to happen. Maybe within the next 7 to 8 years.

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14y ago

Yes. Or, more accurately, from the diseases they cause.

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15y ago

best advice is 'dont smoke at all' you will put your health in danger

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14y ago

It is bad to inhale any tobacco smoke, especially cigar smoke.

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13y ago

They could, as they effect your lungs. 'Read How My Body Works - Breathing' and then you'll find out more. Also, try looking on the Wikipedia.

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14y ago

A cigarette can kill you many different ways but most causes of death of cigarettes is lung cancer. It is the #1 killer of cigarettes in the USA

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You shouldn't inhale cigars because they are high in alkaline and high in nicotine, and inhaling will make you cough. You can enjoy the flavor of a cigar without inhaling because the nicotine is absorbed by the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth. (Cigarette smoke being acid, it is almost exclusively absorbed in the lungs.)

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What is it called when Breathing in air?

When you breath in the cigarette/cigar/pipe/pot/hookah smoke, you are inhaling. When you breathe out you are exhaling. Sometimes exhaling can be called "making smoke rings" if you try to do something fancy with your breath.

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You smoke by inhaling from the filter end of a cigarette.

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Zero! You might get a smidgon if you chewed on it for hours.

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Secondhand smoke is a mixture of the smoke exhaled by smokers and the smoke that comes from the burning end of a cigarette, cigar, or pipe. It contains over 7,000 chemicals, many of which are toxic or cause cancer. Inhaling secondhand smoke can increase the risk of developing various health issues, including respiratory problems and heart disease.

Is inhaling smoke from a match bad?

Its bad inhaling or not inhaling because its still going to get in your lungs.

Is smoking dangerous?

Tobacco yes, from everything I've heard marijuana doesn't kill, but inhaling smoke in any sense can't be good for you