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No, that means they would be violating the contract that has already been sign. ADDED: YES, they can. You MAY have action against them in civil court but the fact is you obviously didn't pay them full price for the car, and they (or you) cannot find anyone to finance you, then you do NOT own the car, and they will re-possess it. If the title has never been transferred into your name you do not own the vehicle.

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Q: Can a car dealership come back 1 12 weeks later and say they can't finance you after everything was signed?
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If you mean can the dealership take your car, if you don't make your payments. Yes. Usually the finance company will take your car, because the dealership has already passed your account to the finance company. If you have made a deal for a car that the dealership later discovers you don't meet the financial criteria, they will take your car back and offer you a lesser model for deal that suits your budget better.

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The dealership and the lien holder may be one and the same entity. In either case, you need to make arrangements with the dealership to accept the vehicle and repay the funder of the loan (either themselves or another finance company). Most likely this will require legal assistance since, once the contract is signed, the onus of making payments is on your shoulders. Good Luck

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Nobody signed it five years later. All of the names that are on it were signed by September of 1776. Most of the signatures were put on during August.

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I have a similar situation going on now. I purchased a vehicle for 4.9% for 72 months with no money down. I was called two days later and asked to come in and resign because the finance manager made a mistake and the interest rate should be 5.9% and Mitsubishi caught it. My friend and neighbor is an attorney and reviewed all my paperwork and recommended to me to tell the dealership very politely "no thank you, and that we have a signed contract that stipulates all the necessary requirements and that the dealership concede this". I am still waiting to hear what other delays or excuses may come but I doubt they have any recourse but to take their loss. (The dealer very likely makes commissions on the interest rates they sell.)

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50 countries originally signed it, and the 51st, Poland, signed later.

What date was the Declaration of Independence signed on?

On July 4, 1776, John Hancock and Charles Thomson, Secretary of Congress, signed the first copy. Later Congress directed the Declaration be engrossed and signed by all delegates. Most of the delgates whose names are on the Declaration signed it on August 2, 1776. A few delegates signed on later days.

Car stolen and recovered 6months later but inoperable and the car is repo and finance company settles with insurance company and then charge me the remaining fee is that legal?

It can depend on that state's laws but most times, yes, because you signed a finance agreement for a certain amount. Just like if you total your vehicle and you owe more than it totals out for, you will most likely still owe the remaining amount.

Can you return a car after you sign the papers if the dealer says he made a mistake and can't give it to you for the price you signed for?

The question is a bit confusing. When purchasing a car from a dealership, the transaction is by contract. Once the contract is signed, the contracted price is the price. There is no changing of minds later. If, as is not unusual, the dealer sent you with the vehicle to return at a later date to sign the contract, and then changed the price, this could be an attempt at fraud. Get the change in writing, do not sign anything, and take your evidence directly to an attorney who specializes in consumer fraud.

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You meet and greet his family with a smile. Later clear everything out with your boyfriend. If everything is clear live happily.If he does so meet the family. Ask him later why is he doing so. Then clarify everything with him.

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The day it is getting signed