Micheal j fox owns a border collie
A border collie can weigh up to six stone.
No, the Border Collie originated from the border area between England and Scotland.
Here's the website I found: http://www.gotdogsonline.com/border-collie/border-collie-pup/beagle-border-collie-mix.shtml
You go on to google and write border collie info
a border collie
He is a Border Collie...maybe a mix but definitely Border Collie in him
The scientific name for collie is Canis lupus familiaris.
yes,it is important that you are a active person because border collie are very energetic and if you love to play with your then border collie is best for you and if you are a simple person then forget to own a border collie
The Border Collie is a working and herding dog breeddeveloped in the Anglo-Scottish border region.
Nope, they originated on the border of England and Scotland. That's how the name "Border Collie" originated.
Right here in my house...My Border Collie weighs 70lbs.