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Answer No. 2

YES. You can marry if you and your girl friend have a quality of trust, commitment, goal and guts equal to at least 0.00000000000000000000000000000000........000nth1% of what the Buddha and Yashodara had!!!

As a buddhist, from the teachings i understood it as followsLets see as how the question " Can you marry if you are Buddhist" raised in a mind. It may be because of the possible or obvious reason that The Buddha left his wife and son.


Now, we are to understand it as it is. Lets suppose a man who leaves his wife and the son. As a laymen I understand such a man ( Even you may understand him as so) as fit for at least one of the following categories:

(A). Generally a man doesn't leaves himself, but makes the wife to leave home. (It wasn't the case for the Buddha)

(B). He was frustrated and unable to cop with the family relationship or responsibilities. (It wasn't the case for the Buddha)

(C). He was not really attracted to her or felt lack of feelings of the kind a husband feels for his wife. Therefore, without spoiling the lives, wanted to dream a new marriage. (It wasn't the case for the Buddha)

(D). He fell in love with another women so wanted to marry her. (It wasn't the case for the Buddha)

(E). He failed to resolve the relationship between families, parents or relatives.(It wasn't the case for the Buddha)

(F). He married under pressure from parents, so could not settle the agony inside and resorted to do that.(It wasn't the case for the Buddha)

(G). He was not satisfied with the amount of dowry received from his inlaws.(It wasn't the case for the Buddha)

(H). He faced inferiority complex.((It wasn't the case for the Buddha)

(I). His wife cheated her ((It wasn't the case for the Buddha)

(J). He was a mad ((It wasn't the case for the Buddha)

(K) He faced death threats(It wasn't the case for the Buddha)

(G) He got lost for a research, got married or didn't so , and didn't dare to come back( it wasn't the case of the Buddha, he came back with smile and power of love and compassion)


Now, we are to understand it as it is. Lets suppose a woman who suffers such a life. As a laymen I understand such a woman ( Even you may understand her as so) as fit for at least one of the following categories:

(A). She left his home and got married to someone ( It wasn't her case, she waited for him, took refuge to the Buddha and became a nun)

(B). she complained to the authority for a justice and fought it till last(It wasn't her case)

(C). She would have opted to be separated from the in-laws and demand the due (It wasn't her case)

(D). She would have done suicide out of love ( It wasn't her case)

(E). She would have become mental (It wasn't her case)

Dears, I am going to give a conclusion now. May be , some of you get agreed with me:

1. For sure, he wasn't like any of the genuinely amazing guys i knew or can imagine. His manhood was beyond comparison.

2. For sure, She wasn't like any of the genuinely amazing gals i knew or can imagine. Her women-hood was beyond comparison.

3. I cant believe that a relationship stays so secured without even a family counselling. It was like making a water to freeze in the fire.

4. I cant believe that a girl will wait so long and finally become nun like the Yashodara.

5. I can't believe that a man will remain so sacred out of the bed of his wife.

6. I can't believe that a son will get nurtured like the father without the father.

7. I can't believe that a man without his wife and son can teach happiness by formulating the TRIPITAKA.

Therefore, I feel, the most degraded , incomplete, minimum and a layman's understanding would be like " The Buddha" and " The Yashodara" were an example of a possiblity in an impossiblie. Simple fact, today, no couple can be so. We don't have that energy and guts to measure that trust, love, romance , compassion and sacrifices that the family did for the welfare all sentient beings.

Therefore, you can marry if you and your girl friend have a quality of trust, commitment and guts equal to at least 0.00000000000000000000000000000000........000nth1% of what the Buddha and Yashodara had!!!

I love you the Buddha and Yashodara...You have taught me the meaning of love, marriage , romance, sex , trust, love , compassion and sacrifices. I see them as the sexiest marriage couple ever happen in this universe...


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A Muslim girl can only be married to a Muslim man. She can't be married to any non-Muslim man regardless of his religion.

answer no. 2

If a Muslim girl marries a Buddhist man there is no problem from the Buddhist side. I am a Buddhist, so if my sister finds a nice Muslim groom, we don't have any problem. Same way, if i get a nice Muslim girl and she also finds me worth of so..i don't have any problem. This is not because i feel so, but because Buddhism is so.

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