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You can Join the Reserve Defence Force up to the age 35, however 24 years is the Limit for the Permanent Defence Forces,

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Can you join the military at age 14?

NO you can only join the military at the ages of 17(with a parents permission)-36 years of age.

When can a person join the military in the US?

The minimum age for joining the military is 18 years old. However, you may join at 17 if you have permission from your parent. If you choose to be an officer, you need to first complete a four year college degree which usually translates into 21 or 22 years old.

What age can you join the military in the UK?

you have to be sixteen to join but eighteen to fight or go over seas.

When do you join the military in new zealand?

There is no compulsory military service in New Zealand. I'd expect that any person who was over age 18 and was of good character and education, would be welcome.

What branch of the military can you join after the age of 42?

No. Wrong yes

What is the Age of consent for women to join military?

18. You can join at 17 but you need parental/guardian permission.

Minimum age to be able to join the military?

17 with permission, 18 otherwise

what the age limit to join the military and can my son join if he is 27. He wants to join either the air force or army?

The minimum age to enlist is 17 with parental consent and 18 without consent. The maximum age to enlist is 42.

Can you join the army at 15?

No - the minimum age to join any branch of the military is 17, and only with parental permission (signature on your entrance application). Those who are younger can of course join the various military schools and cadet programs around the country in preparation for later military careers.

What age do you have to be to join the military in Mexico?

49 years old. However, one person with such age entering the army would be most probably on support and administrative roles.

Can you join military at age of 17 with parent permission?

If the law hasn't changed, yes.

When are people allowed to join the military?

Age 18, unless a parent or guardian is willing to sign a release at age 17.