That's not such a good idea. Since their muscles are still developing, 5kms would be too strenuous on a five year's body and they should stick to shorter distances. Usually it is recommended that children only start running 5kms from age 12.
About 7 minutes for a 5 year old to complete a full mile.
jbhhfbdfbjhsdbfhgdfg 5
A big hairy toenail.
The fastest 5 kilometer run by a 12 year old is 16:17 for a female and 14:52 for a male, according to the "No Excuses" 5 km Run website.
50-60 minutes.
35 to 45 minutes.
My 11 year old brother ran a 5:45 mile at a road race in Shorham New York
You can use either "5 years old" or "5-year-old" ex. Brian is 5 years old. ex. Brian is a 5-year-old.
5k<5 miles. period.
4:50 is what i run but run marathons so it i have 5:10 miles so i do that in about 2hours 40 minutes
It depends on the child. If hes fast or slow. If you average 15 mph in a 100m sprint then your time will be 14.91 seconds. That's pretty impressive if a 5 year old can run that fast.
The fastest 5 km by a 5 year old is 20:25 for a female and 19:46 for a male according to the "No Excuses" 5 km Run website.