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Q: Can a 4 year old child take Ibuprofen and an antihistamine together?
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What can you take with Ibuprofen and Allegra d?

Drug/Drug interaction answer: Ibuprofen is a non- narcotic NSAID [nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug], and Allegra-D 12 hr is an antihistamine time-released medication. The two can safely be taken together.

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Can you take Ibuprofen and Zocor together?

Yes Ibuprofen and Zocor can be taken together.

What can happen if you take an antihistamine and cold medicine together?

The cold medicine is an antihistamine so you are taking double the amount of antihistamine.

Can you take bromfed and mucinex together?

NO. They both contain antihistamine. .

What if ibuprofen doesn't work on child for fever?

Then take the child to a doctor.

Can you take paracetamol and Ibuprofen together for sciatica?

Paracetamol and ibuprofen work in your body in differant ways meaning that you can take them together, though not recomended. try this: 10am -Ibuprofen 12pm -paracetamol 2pm -ibuprofen 4pm -paracetamol and so on.

Can i take 800mg of Ibuprofen and Benadryl?

There is no important interaction between those 2 drugs. If you don't have any contraindication to take benadryl or ibuprofen, there is no problem.

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Can you take Ibuprofen and zapain together?

Yes you can I do

Can you take zzzquil and Advil at the same time?

Zzzquil and Advil can be taken at the same time. Zzzquil's active ingredient is diphenhydramine which is an antihistamine that causes drowsiness. Advil is a pain reliever/fever reducer that contains Ibuprofen. Both of these medications are safe to take together.

Can you mix ibuprofen and antihistamine for an infant?

Yes - your child can take Ibuprofen & an antihistamine together as long as you ask your physician for the proper dose for the antihistamine as they usually aren't recommended for children under 6. Our daughter contracted the measles from her MMR (yup - that's right, she got the measles from her MMR vaccination) and we were told to give her Acetaminaphine or Ibuprofen & Benadryl to help with itch relief and pain. She was not 2 years old yet. Recently she had RSV and again we were recommended to use a combo - this time Ibuprofen & Triaminic Nighttime. Just check with your pediatrician or advice nurse first for dosage