Dead animals don't breathe
Albuterol is extremely safe if you are taking it for asthma. An alternative type is used in pregnancy to reduce uterine irritability for women who are at risk of premature labor, as it relaxes smooth muscle.
Honestly I am not sure. But I think that you should ask a doctor but in the meantime you would need to keep your new born baby healthy and make sure he/she has giid nutrition.
A 6 month baby is six month old
There are all sorts of baby monitors, the newest of which is a baby breathing monitor. They are not as readily available as the basic sound only monitor or video monitor. A good breathing monitor will cost about $330.
make sure they are breathing correctly, make sure no blankets are near their faces, dont let them sleep on their stomachs
If its anything is breathing it's alive.
If your baby chick is breathing but limp, you should take it to the vet's office. They will be able to determine what happened and treat the chick.
if they're breathing
Doctors slap the baby to make it cry (if it does not on it's own) to get the baby breathing.