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There are no laws about dating. And with the age of consent being 16, there shouldn't be any issues.

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Q: Can a 16 year old date a 20 year old in Australia?
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Can a 16 year old girl date a 14 year old boy in Australia?

Yes, as long as no sexual actions are taken.

Can a 16 year old date a 25 year old in Australia?

If said sixteen-year-old also lives in Australia, it is both possible and legal.Said sixteen-year-old girl's parents may or may not agree that this is possible.

Is it illegal for a 20 year old female to date a 16 year old male in Australia?

Forget the last part of the answer down below...You can have seeeeex with a 20 year old at 16 in Australia lmao.

Why is it not right for a 16 year old to date a 20 year old in the public eye when its okay for a 25 year old to date a 29 year old?

hell no it ain't good for a 16 yrs.old to date a 20 yrs.old no no no

Is it legal for a 16 year old boy to date a 13 year old girl in Australia?

yep :) the only age it is illegal to date someone under sixteen is 18, so you should be fine c:

In VA can a 18 year old date a 16 year old?

he haves 16 years old

Can an almost 16 year old date an 18 year old?

Date? Sure.

Can a 30 year male date a 16 year old female in Australia?

Depends which part of Australia, but the age of consent is 16/17. Look it up on wikipedia for wherever you live and if she's underage, I think you can date her if her parents say it's alright(that's how it works in US and Canada, i don't know about Australia).

When your a teenager that's 13 almost 14 is it wrong to date someone that is 16 in Australia?

There are no laws about dating in Australia. However, there are laws about sexual contact and that could get the 16 year old in a lot of trouble.

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Would trey songz date a 16 year old?

No, Trey Songz would not date a 16 year old. He is 27 and dating a 16 year old would be illegal for someone his age.

Can a 16-year-old date an 18-year -old?

I personally think that a 16-year old can date an 18-year old. The 16-year old is nearly an adult and make wise decisions for him/herself. That is my personal opinion on the matter. Signed ; living the answer