Yes, dizziness can be a potential side effect of taking Omeprazole capsules. If you experience severe or persistent dizziness while taking this medication, it is important to consult with your healthcare provider.
The short answer: yes. The longer answer: it is unlikely that omeprazole is the cause of your insomnia. Studies of omeprazole side effects point out that a very small percentage of patients studied reported insomnia.
Ambien will not cause severe coughing.
The coughing, itself, will not cause costochondritis, but if there is a viral infection in the chest, then that may be the cause.
yes it can sometimes cause coughing but it may not happen to everyone
I am currently taking omeprazole 20 mg cap and have experienced painful gas and bloating!
No it does not cause it.
Spasmodic croup is usually mild and may be due to bacterial infection or Allergies.
Yes; any smoking or inhalation of smoke can cause coughing and wheezing. Second-hand smoke has the same potential to cause coughing and wheezing as does direct inhalation.
Not from coughing alone, but the cause of the cough might kill you if it is not treated.