No. Distilled water is completely devoid of the essential minerals fish need for long term health. That's what the distilling process does, it makes the water pure. Mains tap water is usually perfectly fine for fish provided it's got dechlorinator in it (to remove harmful chlorine/chloramine and heavy metals).
Also, they're called Siamese Fighting Fish, not Japanese, they originate from Thailand, old Siam, not Japan! But it's more professional to call them Bettas!
I think the fish you are asking about is the Siamese Fighting fish AKA (Betta splendens). They are tropical fresh water fish.
no. they are tropical fish.
The scientific name for the Japanese fighting fish is Betta splendens.
You should not use distilled water in a fish tank as it is missing vital minerals. Distilled water is basically water collected from steam
Japanese fighting fish are called 'des combattants' or 'des poissons combattants' in French.
No, fish cannot survive in distilled water because it lacks essential minerals and nutrients that fish need to survive.
青いベタ /a oi be ta/ would mean 'blue betta/fighting fish' in Japanese.
No not really
Yes, you can use distilled water for a fish tank. It is free of impurities and minerals, making it safe for fish. However, it is important to add necessary minerals back into the water to ensure the health of the fish.
you fish murderer
Using distilled water for a fish tank is important because it is free from harmful chemicals and impurities that can harm the fish. It helps maintain a healthy environment for the fish to thrive in.