That's exactly what my Windstar actuator did when it was failing - all depending on how cold it was: the colder the less likely it would work.
I would suggest planning on replacing it soon.
See "Related Questions" below for more
expantion valve. this vehical has two
Does your blower motor work? If it does and there is no heat the blend door actuator is probably not working and is not letting warm air into the vehicle. The blend door is staying in the cold position.
The place of something
2 possible causes come to mind:1) coolant / anti-freeze levels are too low - check and top off if low -Is it due for a flushing and replacing??2) Temperature blend door and/or actuator motorSee "Related Questions" below for more about the blend door actuator - a very common failure on Windstars (an easy & not expensive repair!)
Suspect a plugged up heater core then.See "Related Questions" below for more
These are classic symptoms of a failed blend door actuator motor.
You have confirmed the 2 primary culprits:The heater core is clear - checked by feeling the heater hoses and both are hot (the coolant flows through the core at all timesThe temperature blend door actuator motor is turning and operating the temperature blend door *shaft*One thing I would focus on next is that the temperature blend door itself is moving - not just the shaft, but the whole thing. These have been known to break.See "Related Questions" below for more about the door.
Because you have heat in the back, that pretty well rules out the thermostat.That leaves a couple of suspects:Temperature blend door actuator motorThe temperature blend door itselfPlugged up front heater coreThe #1 most common heating problem on the Windstars is the actuator motor - which is a whole lot cheaper and easier to fix.Start with the "Related Questions" below for diagnosing, and hopefully fixing your problem.
check the wireing harnesses
I had the same problem on my 2001 windstar , behind the radio there is a part called blend door actuator , got it at advance autoparts , about 60 dollars , took about 30 minutes to change out , plastic gears were stripped , that's what makes clicking sound , now my heat works great, Jerry from Orlando If it's not the actuator motor, the actual blend door may be broken. This is a very common problem in the Windstars. Typically the dash must be disassembled and the plenum box removed to access the blend door. I tried another method with the heatertreater. It involved removing the glovebox and making an incision in the plenum box to replace the blend door. It saves a lot of time, check your actuator motor to see if it has the stripped gear issue first.
The problem is probably in the mixing door not operating properly. It could be in the control panel or the door itself. It just has to be checked out. GoodluckJoe----------------------------------------------------------------------; Blend Door Actuator
Broken blend air door/actuator....replaced many of them