There hot.[: they are so cool. i got mine done.[: and im 14. haha -samibabi28- Yes i think they look good, and girls who cares if you got a little pudge!! Trust me it still looks cute!! -REbeca443- mMMmm yes there pretty cute only on teenage gril i think! cuz honeslty who wants to see a 20 or old year old lady wareing one!! come on ew! -Jake74footballstar44-Duh! They make you prettier! and u have alot more confidence when ur in a bikini! -sarahgurl2323cookie3- YES YES yES!! THeyY look CUTE!! There so stylish!! -Amiebonie7483- Yes, All the cool and popular girls have them in my school! -ellabella437- Yes alot of celberties have them 2 not just teenage girls!-Jeaniejo22- If you wanna be a somebody, you would get this!! -Tamie119- There definitaley adrouble, my girlfriend has one and it makes me smile everytime i see it!!!-Kolebare8-
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