The computer is not happy and you need a properly qualified person to figure it out.
Torque converter is shot - not serviceable - new gearbox required.
why is my 2006 Nissan altima gear shift stuck in park
If it is the gearbox, then you have to dismantle it and replace faulty parts, such as a gear fork. This could also be a clutch problem.
There could be a couple of reasons why a Nissan vehicle could be stuck in park. The shifter could be stuck or broken. The transmission may also be out or in need of fluid.
Hit it With A Hammer
Hit it With A Hammer
It is "stuck n drive" when you have not oiled your car recently. I have a e350 diesel trans and this also happened to me. You need to seek professional medical attention for this vehicle.
Thermostat stuck open??
That means the switch on the gearbox or lever is stuck for some reason.
could you be more specific?
Either your clutch is stuck or your synchro mesh and or bushings have gone out. you need to have your tranny serviced
Automatic choke stuck open