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Matthew Nichols

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Q: At the college level, field hockey is only for this group?
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Related questions

Did pavel barber play in the NHL?

No. He played on the Canadian National teams for field hockey and floorball hockey, but he has never played any high level ice hockey.

Is it legal to use a left handed field hockey stick at the high school level?

There is no such thing as a lefty stick. In fact lucky for you if you're a lefty playing field hockey because your power hand gets all the power

What is the level after junior in hockey?

Players usually going from juniors either move to the pros or they go on to play college

How much does a field hockey mid fielder player run in a game?

Well it depends on the person and the level of the game but on average a midfielder (halfback) in hockey would run about 8-10 km. Sources: Me being a hockey halfback for 4 years and playing regional field hockey where the coach measured our average running distance.

What are the four health and safety aspects of field hockey?

There aren't four specific health and safety aspects to field hockey. The correct equipment is the main component, as well as sound knowledge of the rules, suitable weather for the game and playing people of a similar level to yourself.

What level of Hockey does OMHA govern?

The OMHA stands for Ontario Minor Hockey Association as they govern hockey at a minor level. They are an offshoot of the larger Ontario Hockey Federation.

What does 16AA mean in junior hockey?

16AA is a level of Midget hockey under USA Hockey, meaning the age limit, and the level of play, AA being a high level

What is the level of hockey before the National Hockey League?

The American Hockey League. (AHL)

What stange sporting activity was held in the north of Scotland?

Shinty - A form of field hockey, but the sticks are allowed to be raised above waist level. This makes shinty a much more dangerous game than normal hockey.

How common is fighting in ice hockey?

It all depends on the level of hockey.

What are the offcials in hockey?

The officials in hockey are like the refs in American football or soccer. They are the ones on the ice or field the enforce the rules! Typically they're between 2-4 refs on the ice at one time depending on the Level of play!

In field hockey how long to you need to train each day or week?

About 5 hours each of fitness and skills training, if possible, depending on the level of your team.