The moon appears brighter at night than during the daytime because the level of outdoor illuminance is less than that of the moon.
The moon appears brighter at night than during the daytime because the level of outdoor illuminance is less than that of the moon.
A star is brighter than day and darker than the night. During the day, the light from the sun outshines the stars, but at night the stars become visible against the dark sky.
ThE moon
The star Canopus is brighter than Sirius. Canopus is the second brightest star in the night sky after Sirius and can be seen from most parts of the Earth's surface.
The moon is not brighter than the sun. The sun is much larger and hotter than the moon, making it significantly brighter. The moon only reflects sunlight, so it appears bright in the night sky.
From Earth, the brightest star other than the Sun is Sirius. Jupiter and Mars are always brighter than Sirius, and Venus and Mercury can be.
Jupiter appears brighter in the night sky than Betelgeuse because it is closer to Earth and reflects more sunlight due to its atmosphere. Betelgeuse, on the other hand, is a red supergiant star that emits its own light, which can make it appear dimmer in comparison.
Three possibilities: It is brighter (some are brighter than others), it is bigger, or it is closer to earth.
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It is better to say that the sun appears brighter because it is closer. Some stars are actually brighter than the sun.
because the sizes and the distances away from earth are different