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Why is it important to read the licensing information that comes with clip art that you purchase?

If you use the clip art for something outside the terms of the licensing agreement, you can be sued for thousands of dollars.

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The central message of the Second Coming and Sailing to Byzantium is that humans are mortal, while art is eternally beautiful. Therefore, art has permanent value.

What is the youngest age you can license your art?

License art? If you mean a copyright, you have that for anything you make. If you mean to sign a contract and sell copyright licenses, you have to be 18, or your parents have to sign the agreement.

Can I sue an art studio for promising prizes and recognition for winning an art competition and being promised this for 1.5 years?

Yes. But if there is no contract or written agreement, you don't really have a case.

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We are not sure that it is coming out, from what we can tell that was just fan made art on the trailer.

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It's already out. Check his Deviant Art page.

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What is 'Thank you for coming to our art exhibition' when translated from English to Italian?

"Thank you for coming to our art exhibition!" in English is Grazie per essere venuti alla nostra esposizione! or Vi ringrazio molto di essere venuti alla nostra esposizione! in Italian.

Adam by Auguste Rodin. What do you think Adam is experiencing as he is coming to life?

This is the perfect question about art because here lies one of the major qualities of art. Most important to art is the question what does each individual viewer think and feel about a work of art.