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You are asking me? Write your answer. Are you good in english.😉

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Q: Are you good in English
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they were very good at English they were very good at English they were very good at English

She has good command of English in both written and verbal.?

She has good command of English in both written and verbal would be known as her skills.

I am good at English or I am good in English?

They have slightly different meanings. If you are speaking of English as a language, you would say "good at." If you are speaking of it as school subject, you would say "good in," just as you would say "good in science" or "good in history."

What is 'good' when translated from English to Italian?

"Good" in English is buono in Italian.

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Most good author are English???

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How the English will be in chennai?

Many people in Chennai have good fluency in English. English knowledge is good in Chennai.

What is 'It is good' when translated from English to Italian?

"It is good!" in English is È buono! in Italian.

When was Your English Is Good created?

Your English Is Good was created on 2007-07-09.

What is bein in English?

bien is good in english

What is 'Good And you' when translated from English to Italian?

"Good! And you?" in English is Buono! E tu? in Italian.

What is 'Good How are you' when translated from English to Italian?

"Good! How are you?" in English is Bene! Come stai? in Italian.