Thc is the only thing found in marijuana. Thc is what causes the high. Marijuana can be laced with other drugs, but the plant itself contains thc only.
Marijuana contains several different compounds, known as cannabinoids, with the two most well-known being THC and CBD. These cannabinoids interact with the body's endocannabinoid system to produce various effects, such as euphoria, relaxation, and pain relief. Additionally, marijuana may contain other compounds like terpenes that contribute to its overall effects and aroma.
Marijuana contains delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is a psychoactive compound that produces the "high" sensation. Crystal meth, on the other hand, is a different drug made from methamphetamine, which affects the central nervous system in a different way than THC.
No, marijuana is not an amphetamine. Amphetamines are a class of stimulant drugs that affect the central nervous system, while marijuana is a plant that contains the psychoactive compound THC, which produces a different set of effects.
The idea that marijuana is a gateway drug suggests that its use could lead individuals to try harder drugs. This theory is controversial and not universally accepted. Some argue that the association between marijuana use and other drug use is influenced by other factors rather than marijuana itself causing individuals to seek out more dangerous substances.
No, a DNA swab is used to collect a person's genetic material for identification and cannot detect synthetic marijuana or any other drugs. Synthetic marijuana can be detected through urine, blood, or hair drug tests specifically designed to detect synthetic cannabinoids.
Marijuana contains tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
Marijuana is sometimes smoked with tobacco.
No. They are completely different chemical processes and will not effect one another on a drug test.
Marijuana is usually safe to mix with other drugs, if you are experienced with both.
Marijuana is not addictive in the way that other drugs are. Instead it is psychologically addicting. Which means that your brain thinks you need it when you don't. The only time it is physically addictive is when it is laced with other drugs
Your mom with your ad in bed
No. Marijuana is guaranteed to do exactly the opposite unless someone adds other drugs to it.
Narcotic drugs range from prescription medications, to illegal street drugs. Narcotic drugs include codeine, marijuana, morphine, heroine, and amphetamine.
Kinda vague. Like other drugs or other activities. Go drink or something.
Yes, drug screenings do look specifically for drugs such as marijuana.
No, it's the opposite. Marijuana and other drugs actually "dumb down" the brain and make you less likely to be smarter.
This answer should not affect the way you treat such harmful substances such as drugs. But if this is for a project or experiment, then it is marijuana. Answer Teens are abusing and mixing prescription drugs that they obtain from other people with disastrous results. Marijuana and cocaine use are not far behind.
Depends on the drugs. Marijuana is not legal anywhere on the planet. Including Denmark. The police just look the other way.