WolfQuest and Fly like a bird. Wolfquest is amazing.
I have heard of two games that I like that iI think are similar to life:1Gamevial.com/=fly like a bird 3 AND 2WolfQuest.com/=wolfquest.
There are a couple i have heard of that are apparently really good: FeralHeart Endless Forest Fly Like A Bird 3
yes there is there is wolf heaven wolf home and fly like a bird 1,2, and 3
I don't beleive so.... but I LOVE WOLFQUEST!!<3
Yes, Webearthonline: http://www.webearthonline.com/ Wolfquest: http://www.wolfquest.org/ Fly like a bird 3: http://www.muchgames.com/play-games/fly-like-a-bird-3 Kuma games Ipredator: http://animal.discovery.com/tv/i-predator/ Hope this helped! oh! and The sims 3 pets ;) (You have to buy the game)
Wolfquest, maybe The Endless Forest Theres Impressive Title too, its a lion rp game and fly like a bird
animal jam and feralheart
There is WolfQuest.
yes there is fly like a bird my favorite and then there is this weird game called lif real strange but on lif your a bunny fly like a bird your a bird there both fun you should try them
yeah i know 3,fly like bird,world of zoo and the ENDLESS forest :-)