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Yes, and you can eat chocolate cake. It all depends on the diet.

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16y ago
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14y ago

the worst way to loose weight is to be drinking alcohol.

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13y ago

The best Alcoholic Beverages for dieters are distilled spirits (gin, vodka, rum, tequila, whiskey, etc.) because they contain the fewest calories, no fat, and no carbs.

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Q: Are there any alcoholic drinks for dieters?
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What alcoholic drinks are afrodisiacs?

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What is the difference between alcoholic drinks and soft drinks?

Soft drinks are soda-based drinks which do not contain alcohol or its components... thus it is also called a non-alcoholic drink. Alcoholic drinks are alcohol-based drinks... also known as hard drinks.

What is the importance of non-alcoholic drinks?

Short answer: A non-alcoholic drink has no alcohol and an alcoholic drink has alcohol. Longer answer: Alcoholic drinks contain alcohol. Drink enough of them and you get drunk. Non-alcoholic drinks don't contain alcohol and you can binge on them any way you like and still be okay to drive, for instance. But be careful here since some "non-alcoholic" beers actually contain some alcohol, like only 1 percent. =================== Alcoholic drinks contain alcoholic content that can make its drinkers drunk while non-alcoholic drinks are bare drinks without any alcohol content. Such examples are: water, fruit juices and carbonated drinks.

What drinks can a hamster not drink?

a drink that a hamster can't have is any alcoholic drink

Why are soft drinks called soft drinks?

It was named after its creator, Dr. Malcom Pepper.

What happens if ferret drinks beer?

Alcoholic beverages are toxic to any animals Alcoholic beverages would be toxic to a ferret leading to death.

Is drinking allowed in Islam?

All normal good drinks are allowed for Muslim to drink except Alcoholic drinks. Alcoholic drinks are not allowed for Muslims to drink.

Non alcoholic drinks that start with g?

Gatorade and grape juice are non-alcoholic drinks. They begin with the letter g.

Consuming five or more alcoholic drinks in a row for men or four alcoholic drinks or more for women is considered?


What are the main materials from which alcoholic drinks can be made?

yeast, and i dont know any others lol