

Best Answer

Santa Claus is Coming to Town ... 1934
Winter Wonderland ... 1934

These are the only 2 that I am aware of.

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Q: Are there any Christmas song from the 1930's?
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The song is by the Beatles. it is NOT a Yuletide number by any means.

Is you want a hippopotamus for Christmas a good song for a talent show?

If it is near Christmas yes it is a good song, if its in the middle of summer or spring or any other season then it wouldn't because it would be awkward to have a Christmas song right in the middle of the wrong season.

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Another name for a christmas song is a Christmas carol.

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This is a French phrase which translated to English means Christmas Song or Christmas Carol as Americans like to call it. It refers to any song that you would sing at Christmas like Jingle Bells or We Wish You a Merry Christmas.

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Does Deck the Halls tell any part of the Christmas Narrative?

No, it just tell you to be happy and enjoy the festive season, that is why it is not a Christmas Carol but instead a Christmas song. ok

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The traditional song refers to the Christmas Day and the days after.

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justin bieber is not in the arthur christmas but he does have a christmas song in the it.check out his new christmas music it rocks. any another question just ask me.pease out.