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A turkey's wattle (not waddle) is a fleshy fold of skin hanging from the neck or throat of a turkey. In male turkeys, the wattle tends to be brightly colored, usually red, and is a gender-distinguishing feature.

A turkey's crop (or craw) is an interior digestive tract feature--a muscular pouch along the esophagus that stores food temporarily and assists in softening the food.

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15y ago

No the Gobbler is the The thing that hangs down from its snout/Beak. The Waddle is the Thing on its head...Or if your being funny,Its the way it Walks :]

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Q: Are the wattle and the crop on a turkey the same thing?
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What is the big thing that hangs from the turkey's neck?

The flap of tissue hanging from a turkey's beak is called a 'snood'. It is a soft tissue structure that is hypothesized to be involved in attracting a mate, as the male turkey's snood is significantly larger and has deeper color than a female's.

What is the red thing under a turkey's neck called and used for?

The red thing you are referring to is called a wattle. It is not clear why turkeys have them but it is likely that they are used to attract the opposite sex and/or to scare away other male turkeys. When the male turkey gets excited the red wattle enlarges in size perhaps making it look more attractive to the opposite sex and scary to the same sex. This is similar to an erect cock on a human male, as the increase in blood flow helps attract mates while scaring off other males. Not much information about turkey wattles can be found. Hope this helps. The wattle helps to cool the turkey. The bright red area has blood flow close to the surface and as it is not covered by feathers it gets cooler faster. Turkeys do not sweat.

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Of course not! Having the same name with the same letters but different meanings do not mean such a thing like this.

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their main crop was corn or maize same thing. they also grew beans, and squash, and other crops

Why crop rotation?

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How much turkey is consumed around the world?

I don't know...I'm trying to figure out the same thing :3

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A chicken wattle is the fleshy, red appendage on the underside of a chicken's neck. It is often a bright red color and can vary in size based on the chicken's breed and age. Wattles serve various purposes, including regulating body temperature and displaying health and vitality.

Is a crop and a gallbladder the same thing?

No, a crop is something found in birds, It is a storage area for food. It sits in the crop before going to the stomach. A gallbladder is used to store bile that is produced by the liver. The gallbladder drips or pours the bile into the stomach as it is needed during digestion.

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If they play well, they are treated well. The same thing applies to Muslim players.