

Are the BNP against gay people?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Are the BNP against gay people?
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Is prejudice against gay people called racism?

No. Gay people are not a race. Prejudice against gay people is called homophobia.

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Homophobes (bigots who target gay people).

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Bnp bnp bnp bnp!!

Why do the bnp suck?

the bnp suck, they stand for BIGGEST NASTY PEOPLE. so there u go to all loosers out there just remember ONLY LOOSERS VOTE BNP.

Why did God discriminate against gay people?

God doesn't discriminate against Gay people, but a lot of God's followers do.

What is the BNP?

The BNP is the British National Party. It supports the idea that only white people should be citizens of the United Kingdom.

Who is gay in politics?

Gordon Brown, David Cameron, all of labour, conservatives the only straight party is the BNP

What is discrimination against gay people called?

Discrimination is discrimination in any form.

What US state does not allow gay people?

No US State has a ban against gay people.

Is Stephen Colbert against gays and-or gay rights?

There are no "gay rights". Gay people should have every statutory and Constitutional right Straight people have.

Are the BNP racist?

The British National Party (BNP) is a political group interested in Britain for British people. They may be considered racist by persons who are not British, because of their political outlook and message. But if they were really racist they would not be allowed to have their vote.The policies of the BNP are fully adopted by countries like Japan, Israel or Denmark. They offer money to immigrants to go back to where they came from. The countries above and many others have these such policies in place.Now if your going to believe things that some newspapers write, that the BNP are going to force immigrants out, while the BNP charter does not support that, then we can conclude that the mass media is against the BNP which is a grave violation of a party's rights. In other countries those newspapers would get heavy fines and some might go in jail for such lies.The BNP stance is adopted by many Muslim countries in the world among others, mostly non-western ones. The BNP is supported by over 1 million people in UK.

Did George Bush support gay people?

No. He was against homosexuality.