OK I'm going to sound like I'm crazy, but YES! When I was 13 I lived near a man with Samoyeds who talked. He had these dogs on the Johnny Carson Show. You know, the one Jay Leno just gave up and Conan took over. LOL..Yep I'm old. The dogs name were Bing Crosby and Yukon Cornelius. I used to groom these dogs for him and take them for walks. he explained that all dogs could learn to do it and some did it naturally. Yukon did not inherit the ability from his father Bing, but he did learn and they understood questions. Mr Percle said that Bing was able to do more and that his ability was like throwing your voice. I know he wasn't doing it because when Bing was bathed once he looked at me and a friend and said "good bye" and went home! When I first told my mother about these dogs I was grounded for 2 weeks for lying!Mr Percle was an appliance repair man. When my mom's washer broke, she went to Mr. Percle. When she came out of the shop she apologized to me and said she had talk to the dogs and they answered her. I STILL remind her of being grounded about that. When I was 15 she also grounded me for 2 weeks when I told the the hearse that had passed us had a male African Lion in the back. Right after I got off from being grounded that time, someone wrote about the people that had 2 or 3 male lions that they drove around in that car. Since they lived not far from me I went up to meet them and took my mom a few days later. HA! Can't tell me I didn't see and hear what I did. LOL BTW all of these incidences happened in Oakland California during the 1970's.
Yes i certainly am talking about dogs. Dogs are my favorite animal. Dogs are awesome kind a generally obedient.
They are communicating to the other dogs in their way of talking.
You can view videos of dogs talking along with other animal entertainment on Youtube. Just go to Youtube and type in "dogs talking." You will find tons of entertaining videos.
It really depends on what kind of dog. If your talking about indoor house dogs then no. They have home and will continue to live. If your talking about wild dogs then some yes. Some like the wild Dingo.
Yes, dogs have bones.
No, dogs don't have to have phones!
Depends on who you are talking about, but the real question is, who were you talking to?
I think that pocket dogs are not real. they are just propaganda for who Sells dogs!!
Yes. But the real question is, can Salsa do the dogs?
im not sure what this is talking about
depends what your talking about when you say in