rabbits can live in many different environments. some may live in a forest, but some may live in the plains, or the mountains. Jack rabbits live in the forest, and have a deep brown fur to help them hide next to trees. in the winter, they change to white fur to blend with the snow! Other rabbits who live in the plains may have a beige color, to blend with the long brown grass growing there.
Yes, there are species of rabbits that can be found in rainforest environments, such as the South American tapeti or the volcano rabbit in Mexico. These rabbits have adapted to the specific conditions of the rainforest habitat.
A warm wet tropical forest is called a rainforest.
The Rainforest Site was created in 2000.
The AmazonThe Amazon rainforest. Same name as the world's second longest river, also in Brazil.The rainforest in Brazil is located in the Amazon Basin and the rainforest is called the Amazon Rainforest.
Mining in the rainforest often leads to deforestation, ecosystem disruption, and water pollution, which can harm the delicate balance of the rainforest. This can result in loss of biodiversity, disruption of local communities, and long-term damage to the environment. In general, mining is not beneficial to the rainforest.
The continent with a rainforest the farthest north is Europe. The temperate rainforest in Europe can be found in Norway, particularly in the western part of the country. This rainforest is known as the Nordic or Scandinavian rainforest, and it is located within the Arctic Circle.
Don't believe so! rabbits actually like open space!
No! In a rainforest it is to hot for the rabbits to live. It is too hot and also too wet. It just isn't their habitat at all!
No. Rainforests do not have sufficient grassy cover or low-growing vegetation that rabbits need to feed on.
No, there are no rabbits in the tropical rain forest.
Yes. In Fiji they climb up the resort walls. aND TREE FROGS CLIMB IN THE RAINFOREST
Examples of ecosystems include a tropical rainforest, a coral reef, and a grassland.
The daintree rainforest is a tropical rainforest.
The Amazon Rainforest is a Tropical Rainforest
The Amazon Rainforest is a tropical rainforest.
The rainforest does
Yes there are many rainforest including : The black Rainforest Losome Rainforest Heggoa Rainforest And Many More