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Yes, opossums of the tribe Didelphini can eat rattlesnakes and other pitvipers (such as Copperheads and Cottonmouths) with impunity. These opossums appear not to take behavioral precautions when subduing these dangerous snakes, and they are often bitten in the process. Their immunity derives from endogenous venom resistance. Rapid adaptive evolution of the gene encoding the von Willebrand Factor (vWF), a venom-targeted hemostatic blood protein, include changes in net charge and hydrophobicity that are hypothesized to weaken the bond between vWF and one of its toxic snake-venom ligands, the C-type lectin-like protein botrocetin.

For more see:

Werner RM, Vick JA (1977) Resistance of the opossum (Didelphis virginiana) to envenomation by snakes of the family Crotalidae. Toxicon 15:29-32


Jansa SA, Voss RS (2011) Adaptive evolution of the venom-targeted vWF protein in opossums that eat pitvipers. PLoS ONE 6:e20997

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There are reports in the scientific literature that possums are at least partially immune to rattlesnake venom.

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Opossums apparently are immune to the bites of venomous snakes so, no, the opossum would probably not die from a snakebite.

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