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New Guinea Inpatients are one of the few shade-tolerant flowers that are non-toxic to cats.

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Q: Is the plant new guinea impatiens toxic to your cat?
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I am not sure but i do no that a cat can attack a guinea pig and so can dogs so it is better not to buy a guinea pig if u have a cat or dog.

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Why is your cat attracted to lisianthus and are the flowers harmful to cats?

It is not on any lists on the internet as being toxic to cats but it is also not on any lists as not being toxic. It has been discussed as making cats seem inebriated. So it may have the effect of beer or wine. Not exactly toxic but an effect none the less. I would attempt to keep them separated for the sake of both the plant and the cat. Good luck.

Is it bad for guinea pigs to be close to a cat?

Well... this is a tough question because it really depends on the cat and guinea pigs personality. Personally I keep my cat as far away from my guinea pigs as possible because I don't trust my cat. If there is no way your cat could get into their cage or stick its paw in the side it would be okay.... But no I don't think that I would put your cat near them. I know of some people that have cats and guinea pigs which are best friends but No you shouldn't.

Do you induce vomiting in your cat if he has eaten a poinsettia?

Don't panic. It is a debate on whether this plant is deadly toxic to cats. The real answer on what to do, quickly is how much. If you think your kitty has eaten allot, go to the vet. This is because allot of ANY plant eaten by any cat is not usually a good thing, but not the end.

Can cats make friends with guinea pigs?

depending on your cat, if your cat is fierce and mean or goes catching mice, birds, or any small thing that moves if your cat has these habits try to keep your guinea pig away from your cat. if your cat is friendly [like my cat] and plays with little creatures and lets them go its ok to have your guinea pig with them it mean your on the safe die :D