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I personally have not owned and alpaca (YET) but I am doing my research, and I have found that YES! They do get along with dogs, llamas, and other livestalk. The only harm is with cows, that they will be kicked during feeding time, but that is not likely. I hope this helps!

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12y ago
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14y ago

A wild Giant Panda wouldn't have any chance to interact with a wild Llama since their habitats are in completely different parts of the world. The only way that they would meet, is if they were in captivity, such as in a zoo or other animal park setting. If both species were in close contact in some type of zoo, it would be the responsibility of their keepers to make sure that both animals were comfortable, and didn't antagonize each other, causing undue stress to all the animals.

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12y ago

No. Llamas are herbivores, not carnivores.

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15y ago

It really depends on the llama and alpaca. Some llamas can't stand alpacas, while others love them. Same with alpacas.

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15y ago

yes, but in some countries they are considered pets.

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13y ago

Yes as llamas and alpacas are used as guard animals to protect lambs from foxes and wild dogs.

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11y ago

Yes it is.

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Q: Are llamas friendly to humans
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What animal eats a llama?

Mountain lions and wild dogs will eat llamas. Humans will also eat llamas.

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Llamas belong to the class Mammalia, along with other mammals such as humans, dogs, and cats.

What is llamas in English?

The word "llamas" is the plural form of the singular noun "llama." Llamas are domesticated South American camelids that are known for their friendly temperament and soft, woolly coats.

Do llamas lay eggs?

Llamas are mammals and give live birth, just as humans do. No, Llamas do not lay eggs, they are mammals and give birth to live young.No they are mammals and give live birth.

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Some of the enemies of the llamas are:Mountain lions, snow leopards, cougars, and also humans. Humans are on the list because they used to hunt them for their wool and meat. Most llamas now are kept in captivity, so they are protected from most predators. If they are attacked, the male llamas sound off a warning so that the rest of the herd can run away. Since llamas are herbivores, they don't prey on other animals.

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