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good enough to conduct electricity in a fatal way yes! if you arebeing electricuted and you touch someone who is un earthed then they get instead - or at least the worst of it.

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Q: Are humans good conductors
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Are humans conductors or insulators?

humans are not insulators, but are conductors!

Name two examples of thermal conductors?

Many metals are good conductors. While technically a fridge is one, that's probably not the answer you're looking for. Anything conducts heat, even humans. Believe it or not but diamonds are some of the best conductors out there.

Are good or poor conductors better emitters?

good conductors are better emitters

What are two good conductors?

Metals are good conductors of electricity, two of the best conductors are silver and copper.

Good conductors of electricity are often good conductors of heat?

Generally speaking, materials that are good conductors of heat are good conductors of electricity. But there is a notable exception. Diamond, an allotrope of carbon, conducts heat better than any metal, but it is an electrical insulator.

What are good conductors of electriicity?

Metals, in general. Copper and silver are particularly good conductors.

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What solids are good conductors?

All metals are solids and good conductors apart from Mercury which is a liquid but is a good conductor.

Are good conductors of heat good conductors of electricity?

They aren't necessarily good conductors of both (like diamond, which is a good conductor of heat, but not electricity) Graphite is one that is both, but most of them are metals.

Are the metal good or bad conductors of electricity?

All metals are pretty good conductors of electricity.

What material in which thermal energy moves quickly?

These are good conductors-most metals are good conductors.

Is true Metals are not good conductors of electricity. An electrolyte solution conducts electricity. Wood is a good conductor of electricity. Nonmetals are good conductors of electricity.?

1. Metals are good conductors of electricity.2.An electrolyte solution conducts electricity.3. Wood and nonmetals are not good conductors of electricity.