I have a 2 year old guinea pig called squeak and he has been the best thing that has ever happened to me he comforts me all the time. I clean out my guinea pig every 3 days and fill his bowl up at least once a day. squeak normally costs me about 10 pounds a month for a bale of hay a bag of shavings and food. he can some times get a bit smelly if i don't clean him out for a few days but he isn't much bother at all as his hutch is only small !
Jacinta Farrell 11
PS: guinea pigs need loads of attention and when you forget to feed them or cuddle them they can really squeak !
They are very playful and energized
both guinea pigs and hamsters can be very active although hamsters only at night, guinea pigs tend to be more playful and enjoy the company of people more.
No they are very playful they will always not be to old to be your friend!
both can be quite active though hamsters only at night, guinea pigs tend to be more playful and enjoy the company of people more.
Yes, very. I have two of my own and they are very playful, and so are my friend's.
cats, dogs, gerbils, bunnies ferrets, Guinea pigs, parrots,FISH,
Guinea pigs popcorn as a natural behavior to show excitement, joy, or happiness. It is a way for them to release energy and express their positive emotions.
By giving it tunnels and things to do and chew........ (make sure these are treats etc that you give them to chew) Guinea pigs love parsley bells (you can buy these from pet shops)
Pigs prance upon the pasture, Playful and pink, in their pen. Pudgy porkers pig out on peanuts, Patrolling the peaceful patch.
No!!!!!!!They are actually part of the rodent family.
It ultimately depends on individual preferences. Rabbits are generally more independent and require more space. Guinea pigs are sociable and easier to handle, making them great for children. Both can make wonderful pets with proper care and attention.