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Yes, snails may be toxic to a dog. Fresh water snails can carry rickettsial organism. The symptoms last around 5-7 days. They include fever, vomiting, diarrhea (usually bloody or bright yellow in color), and some other not so pleasant symptoms. If left untreated it has up to a 90% mortality rate. This same condition can be picked up from eating raw fish, especially salmon.

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16y ago
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11y ago

The term 'garden snail' is considered a common name, therefore it is difficult to determine what species of snail you are talking about with this generalized name. It is always better to be safe than sorry, so always wash your hands immediately after touching a snail, or any other animal for that matter. This is important because snails can carry parasites, bacteria, and possible zoonotic pathogens that can be harmful to humans.

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14y ago

Slugs carry the parasite named lungworm and can be fatal to a dog.A national tv campaign is taking place in England right now to let people know this.

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Graham Jenner

Lvl 1
1y ago
where is your reference for this?

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12y ago

Slugs can be a vector of transmission of parasitic nematodes that cause lungworm in various mammals

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13y ago

I don't think so, as long as you wash them and everything. People eat Escargot (snails) in Europe all the time.

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15y ago

probably not probably not

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Q: Are garden snails poisonous for humans to eat?
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Are snails poisonous to a cat?

marine species of snails are poisonous but most terrestrial species are not. although it is not good to eat them raw because they carry the fluke worm that if ingested can take over your body, taking your nutrients and possibly could kill you

What don't garden snails eat?

Well, I think garden snails don't eat a lot of things. On the other hand, garden snails DO eat green vegetables for sure, though I find that they do eat carrots a lot too. They probably won't eat these things (I will only list a few):gumcerealmeat of any kind (they're vegetarians)milkcandyetc...These garden snails pretty much won't eat anything that we can't eat. If we don't eat glue, garden snails don't eat glue. It makes sense, right?Garden snails don't eat anything but what you would find in your garden, no hot dogs or gum. I have only given my captive garden snails: lettuce, cucumber, strawberries, spinach, and carrots. Garden snails shouldn't eat any kind of citrus or any manufactured food, or food that was made people and planted by people.

What fruit do garden snails eat?

Garden snails will eat any fruit that has a soft spot i.e,. from rotting, or sitting on the ground. Snails will also eat the leaves and exposed roots of plants.

Do humans eat snails?

Snails are herbivores, they only eat plants.

What eats a snails?

Goldfish CAN eat garden snails if you break their shell open first.

Are snails of any use in the garden?

no. they will eat your plants

Do garden snails eat onions and waterleaf?

No they don't.

What food eaten by snail?

There are many different species of snails and they all eat different things. Some snails eat garden plants and some snails, such as sea snails eat plankton and fish.

Can you eat garden snails?

yep I researched this question and found that yes you can eat garden snails, although they are not the most recommended snail to eat. Helix aspersa (small grey snail) and Helix pomatia (or Roman snail) are more popular. You can use garden snails from your garden, but snails from your supermarket in case the snail has any pesticides that could be harmful. If you prepare your Helix Aspersa (Garden snail) the right way then you can definitely eat it. I hope I helped you!

Where does escargots origionate from?

Escargots is actually French for slugs/snails. The kind humans eat are grown on snail farms, not dug up in a garden. They are a delicacy.

What do snails and slugs like to eat and drink?

my garden snails like to eat water melon,cucumber,lettice,corrots and bananas.My snails like to drink water.

Are garden snails poison to a dog?

Yes, some species of snails can be toxic to dogs if ingested. It's best to prevent your dog from eating any garden snails to avoid potential poisoning and other health issues. If you suspect your dog has ingested a snail, contact your veterinarian immediately.