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Convergent and divergent boundaries are terms used in plate tectonics to describe the juncture at two plates and how they move in relation to each other. Divergent plates move apart and convergent move towards each other.

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Chauncey Kihn

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Q: Are formed at divergent and converging boundaries?
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What are formed at divergent and converging boundaries?

At divergent boundaries, mid-ocean ridges are formed as tectonic plates pull apart. At converging boundaries, various geologic features are formed such as trenches, mountains, and volcanic arcs, depending on the type of plates involved (oceanic vs. continental).

What formed at divergent and converging boundaries?

Convergent and divergent boundaries are terms used in plate tectonics to describe the juncture at two plates and how they move in relation to each other. Divergent plates move apart and convergent move towards each other.

Are the major lithospheric plates bounded by diverging and converging boundaries?

They are divided by divergent, convergent AND transform boundaries.

Ocean ridges are formed by what boundaries?

Divergent boundaries form ocean ridges.

How does transform plate boundaries help divergent boundaries?

Transform plate boundaries accommodate the horizontal motion between divergent boundaries by allowing the plates to slide past each other. This movement prevents the plates from colliding or converging, helping to facilitate the separation and spreading of the divergent boundaries.

Is the pacific plate a converging plate boundary?

Yes, the Pacific Plate is involved in multiple plate boundaries, including converging boundaries where it moves towards and collides with other plates, such as the North American Plate along the west coast of North America.

Where do these collision boudaries form?

Collision boundaries form at tectonic plate boundaries where two plates are either converging, diverging, or sliding past each other. These boundaries are categorized as convergent boundaries, divergent boundaries, and transform boundaries, respectively.

What is the Red Sea believed to be the site of a recently formed?

divergent boundaries

Do divergent boundaries make volcanos?

Yes volcanos are formed on convergent and divergent plate boundries but NOT on transform boundries

What type of igneous rock is formed at divergent boundaries?

Basalt is the most common type of igneous rock that is formed at divergent boundaries. It is a fine-grained, dark-colored rock that solidifies from lava flows at mid-ocean ridges.

Types of landforms formed by divergent boundaries?

Divergent boundaries can create landforms such as rift valleys, mid-ocean ridges, and volcanoes. Rift valleys are formed on continents when tectonic plates pull apart, creating long, narrow valleys. Mid-ocean ridges are underwater mountain ranges that form when new oceanic crust is created as plates move apart. Volcanoes can also form along divergent boundaries as magma rises to the surface through the newly formed crust.

Is the Erta Ale volcano along converging plate boundaries?

No. Erta Ale is in the East African Rift, which is a divergent boundary in the early stages of development.