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I believe the question is 'Where aren't ferrets allowed?'

  • Australia - It is illegal to keep ferrets as pets in Queensland or the Northern Territory; in the ACT a license is required.
  • Brazil - They are only allowed if they are given a microchip identification tag and sterilized.
  • Iceland - Selling, distributing, breeding and keeping ferrets is illegal in Iceland.
  • New Zealand - It has been illegal to sell, distribute or breed ferrets in New Zealand since 2002 unless certain conditions are met.
  • Portugal - It is illegal to keep ferrets as pets in Portugal. Ferrets can only be used for hunting purposes and can only be kept with a government permit.
  • United States - Ferrets are illegal in California under Fish and Game Code Section 2118 and the California Code of Regulations. "Ferrets are strictly prohibited as pets under Hawaii law because they are potential carriers of the rabies virus" the territory of Puerto Rico has a similar law. Ferrets are restricted by individual cities, such as Washington DC and New York City. They are also prohibited on many military bases. A permit to own a ferret is needed in other areas, including Rhode Island. Illinois and Georgia do not require a permit to merely possess a ferret, but a permit is required to breed ferrets. Pet ferrets are legal in Wisconsin, but an import permit from the state department of agriculture is required to bring one into the state.
  • Japan - It is legal to keep ferrets as pets in Japan. In Hokkaido prefecture, ferrets must be registered with local government. In other prefectures, no restrictions apply.
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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Ferrets should be allowed in Chicago, check with your cities government ordinances concerning animal ownership

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Why are ferrets not allowed in some countries?

Quite a lot of animals, ferrets being just one, that are not allow into a country, either due to introducing a disease, or the animal escaping into the wild and breeding.

Are ferrets legal in Oregon?

Yes, but check with your city government ordinances on companion animals as ferrets may require a permit to own. Ferrets are illegal in the state of California and Hawaii, and in New York City, NY.

Are ferrets allowed in the state of Rhode Island?

yes they are i have one and the local pet co has ferret races from time to time.

Would a black footed ferret make a good pet?

Black footed ferrets are endangered animals and not allowed as pets

What are ferrets bred with?

Ferrets are only bred with other ferrets

What is the collective term for a group of ferrets?

The collective term for a group of ferrets is a "a business of ferrets" or "a cast of ferrets".

Are panda ferrets smaller then other ferrets?

Panda ferrets the same as other ferrets, just the coloring is different.

Are ferrets beomcing extinct?

Yes.The Black-Footed Ferret is an endangered type of ferret that no pet store in the world is allowed to sell as pets.

Are ferrets allowed to eat cereal?

I have personally had a ferret and oddly enough gave her some cereal. She had no problems or anything. I would say that yes, ferrets are allowed to eat cereal. Of course like humans, animals can have different reactions but for all i know it's fine. hope that helps

Where do ferrets hibernate?

Ferrets do not hibernate.