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Q: Are expectorants important when treating pneumonia?
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Related questions

What's the first step to treating pneumonia?

The first step to treating pneumonia to to rush to a medical professional as soon as pneumonia is suspected. Your lungs may have to be drained and if left untreated it can be fatal.

What is the difference between bronciodilaters and expectorants?

Broncho dilators dilates (expands) broncheoles, bronchi Expectorants- makes the cough, mucus to come out

Can you can take Expectorants when you take warfin?

Yes, you can use guafenisin when you're taking Coumadin (warfarine). For the other expectorants, it will depends which one.

Does expectorants reduce the effect of stomach acid?


What do expectorants do?

when you cough to clear you throat way.

Why is oxygen important in treating sick people?

Oxygen is important in treating sick people because it helps deliver necessary oxygen to the body's cells to support their function. It can improve respiratory distress, increase oxygen levels in the blood, and alleviate symptoms like shortness of breath. Administering oxygen can be critical in managing conditions such as asthma, pneumonia, heart failure, and other respiratory diseases.

Is tetracycline effective in treating psychosis and schizophrenia?

No, tetracycline is not an effective medication for either psychosis or schizophrenia. Tetracycline is an antibiotic used to treat infections such as pneumonia.

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What is the most important step in treating shock?

beat them

Important step in treating a shock?

staying calm.

What are the consequences of not treating pneumonia?

The pneumonia is a state when your lungs a fill with many bacterias and your body can not cope with them and you have to take antibiotics to treat the bacterias. If you don`t treat it you are going to the hospital for a couple of weeks or you can even die with high body temperature, blood pressure etc.

What infections is benzyl penicillin used for?

benzyl penicillin is used for treating bacterial infections. for example severe chest infections like pneumonia that are resisant to other antibiotics.