Americium is not used in bar code scanners.
The use of bar code scanners exploded in the 70s as the technology quickly spread to retail outlets.
invented in 1952
Bar code scanners can definitely be bought online. Some websites specialize in selling these scanners. They cost anywhere from 40 dollars to over 600 dollars.
You can try DKData, they have Barcoding Equipment, Handheld Scanners, even RFIDs
Bar code scanners use infrared rays to illuminate the bar code, which is then read by a sensor that detects the reflected light. X-rays are not typically used in bar code scanners due to safety concerns related to exposure to radiation. Instead, infrared rays are commonly used as they are safe and effective for reading bar codes.
There are handheld bar code scanners, so a handheld bar code scanner is a bar code scanner, but a bar code scanner is not necessarily a handheld scanner. There are bar code scanners in store checkout stands that are fixed, and there may or may not be an associated handheld scanner there for the clerk to use to scan, say, a large bag of dog food that the customer doesn't want to hoist up onto the counter.
Different bar code readers can be installed using Google's Play Store. The store offers a wide range of bar code scanners such as "Bar code Scanner from ZXing Team or Google's own implementation of a qr/bar code reader : Google Goggles.
Most bar codes you will see on consumer products have the numbers below. A Bar code is a way of making information readable to a machine. It does this, similar to morse code, by encoding normal letters and numbers as patterns of thick and thin black lines. The purpose of the bar code is to tightly control the comparison between the thick and thin lines, and the space in between, so that the pattern has a high chance of being read correctly. Every letter in the alphabet has a corresponding bar code character, when the bar code reader scans the bar code its electronics translate the bar code into the letters, and send these letters in machine code to the computer. Some bar code readers use what is called a "wedge" - they are plugged in between the keyboard and the computer, and send signals into the keyboard port of the computer exactly as if the operator had typed in the numbers on the bar code.
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Most bar code scanners will give you the price of an item , but if you are shopping and find one that does not , the price will come up at the checkout when you plug the scanner in .
Code scanners can read data such as UPC and Bar codes. You can get more information about this at the Wikipedia. Once on the website, type "Code reader" into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the information.