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Until recently Washington, D.C. had one of the most restrictive gun laws in the world. It was pretty much a complete ban. Interestingly the District of Columbia also has one of the worst crime rates in the nation.

The Supreme Court just overturned the ban and residents of D.C. can now own guns and keep them under lock and key in their homes strictly for protection. It must have a trigger lock on it and be totally inaccessible to any children who live in or visit the home.

Airsoft guns were also illegal in Washington, D.C. To be honest, I don't know if the new change in the law had any affect on this at all. I doubt anyone thought about it and I certainly haven't seen airsoft ownership addressed in any way. I can pretty much guarantee you if the police saw you carrying or using an airsoft gun you would be detained and questioned. Wheter you are breaking the law or not, I don't know!

I'll try to find out more and add to this answer when I do.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Provided there is no restriction in the county or city jurisdiction on air-guns and the like, it is not illegal per se under state law to simply have or carry one. It could be a crime if it is used in a manner that places another person in fear of being harmed or used to shoot someone maliciously (which is Assault even if there is no injury). It also carries the liability of being mistaken for a real gun and thus getting shot by police or an armed citizen if brandished in a threatening manner.

Carrying in a closed case on your way to a professional airsoft range/arena is legal though (again, assuming there is no local law about them).

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Very few cities in the US have made airsoft illegal. In other words, NO state has fully made airsoft illegal. This is decided by individual cities. As far as I know, airsoft is legal in all of Virginia. To receive more information on airsoft gun use, contact your local police department (not 911).

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βˆ™ 15y ago

D.C. has some of the tightest Gun laws in the USA so the answer is No i looked it up here,

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Yes and no they can not be sold in D.C but can be purchased else ware and brout back.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

No just dont show them in public!

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βˆ™ 14y ago

yes they cant even really hut someone

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βˆ™ 13y ago


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No. If you are 18 you may purchace an airsoft gun without a lisence.

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Private property and citys.

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BB guns and airsoft guns are legal, but it may be illegal to transport them, especially to handle them if they are looking like 'real' guns.

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Texas allows Airsoft guns to be owned but most cities require that the Airsoft guns be discharged only while outside city limits.