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No, that are not a good investment. The amount of gold is very small, a very thin layer on plastic or aluminum.

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Q: Are 22kt stamps a good investment?
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What is a 1972 NFL book of stamps only worth?

way underrated at $2,,,,, good investment

Why do they sell these gold stamps if they're worthless?

The company is banking on the gullibility of the public. People hear 'gold' and 'stamps' and think that there is a huge value immediately and a good return on their investment. The reality is that postage stamps have never been a 'good' investment, collecting them is a hobby and should always be viewed as such. While there is opportunity to make money in some aspects, it requires a great deal of work.

How much for set of 22kt gold set of commeative stamps worth?

The value of these gold replica stamps, the ones on First Day Covers, is minimal. The amount of gold is so small that it would take thousands of them to make up an ounce of gold.

What will the value be for some good condition 1776 stamps?

What stamps? First postal stamps were used in 1840.

Can you help me unscramble this word hsptetallii?

philatelist - collector of stamps and other postal matter as a hobby or an investment.

What does 920 on gold mean?

that it is 22kt gold

You have some collectiable stamps you want to sell on e-bay but you dont no the value of the stamps where can you find information on how much these stamps are worth?

An easy way to find good value for your stamps is to buy a stamp magazine. Linn's is a good one.

What is the marking of 22kt Indian gold?

917 or 918.

Which discounted laptop computer would be a good investment?

"As with any new purchase, your needs determine which model is the best investment. If it does not do what you need it for it is not a good investment for you."

How much is a 22kt gold Wyoming statehood replica stamp worth?

Prices for a 22kt gold Wyoming statehood replica stamp vary from $0.99 up to $15.00.

What does 22kt mean?

22kt refers to 22 karat gold, which means the gold is made up of 91.67% pure gold and 8.33% other metals for added strength and durability. This higher gold content makes 22kt gold more valuable than lower karat gold.

Is the John Deere Z445 mower a good investment?

Yes it is definetly a good investment mine was great!