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whos trying to get this answer what school

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Q: Answer to the daffynition decoder e-71?
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What is the daffynition decoder of lumberjack?

The daffynition decoder of lumberjack is axe murderer.

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A nervous manor is the answer for the Daffynition Decoder Haunted House.

What is the answer for the daffynition decoder Witch?

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What is the condense for daffynition decoder?

A dumb criminal is condense.

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Crazy ban er

What is the anwser for daffynition decoder?

Someone/thing that can figure out Daffy Duck??

What is the answers to Daffynition decoder for warehouse and explain?

warehouse- what you say when lost

What are the daffynition decoder for C-58?

In the context of the game "Mad Gab," the Daffynition Decoder for C-58 refers to the phrase "See Fifty-Eight." This phrase is a phonetic representation of the actual term or phrase that players need to decipher. The goal of the game is to sound out the Daffynition Decoder to reveal the hidden word or phrase it represents.

What are the answers to Daffynition Decoder B-10?

Romantic- anitalianinsect American- ahappycontainer

What is the answer to Daffynition Decoder Warehouse?

The answer is- W_H_A_T_Y_O_U_S_A_Y_W_H_E_N_L_O_S_T N_O_T_S_C_R_A_M_B_L_E_D_O_R_F_R_I_E_D (What you say when lost) (Not scrambled or fried)

What are the answers for Daffynition Decoder D-36?

warehouse: whatyousaywhenlost (where house) explian: notscrambledorfried (eggs plain)

What is the answer for daffynition decoder condense and program?

The answers are:condense: a dumb criminal program: in favor of the metric system