greek goddess, Althaea daughter of king theseus. what is she the goddess of?
Althaea and Oeneus.
Persephone was the goddess of springtime, and Demeter, the goddess of the harvest's daughter.Persephone is the Goddess of the Underworld and the Goddess of Harvest. She is the Goddess of the Underworld because she was forced to marry Hades, God Of The Underworld, and Goddess of Earth because she is the daughter Of Demeter, Goddess of Bountiful Harvest.
Hera is the Goddess of Marriage.
The muses were considered goddesses. Calliope was the goddess of epic poetry. Clio was the goddess of history. Euterpe was the goddess of music, song, and lyric poetry. Erato was the goddess of love poetry. Melpomene was the goddess of tragedy. Polyhymnia was the goddess of hymns. Terpsichore was the goddess of dance. Thalia was the goddess of comedy. Urania was the goddess of astronomy.
No. The goddess Minerva was a virgin goddess.
The botanical name for marsh mallow is Althaea officinalis.
Althaea and Oeneus.
Althaea & gardenia are flowers ending in a.
Thestius was the father of Iphicles, Althaea, Eurypylus, Evippus, Hypermnestra, Leda and Plexippus.
The Latin name Althaea comes from the Greek word altho, which means to heal or to cure. The family name Malvaceae comes from the Greek word malake, meaning soft.
When Meleager was born, the Moirae (the Fates) predicted he would only live until a brand, burning in the family hearth, was consumed by fire. Overhearing them, Althaea (his mother) immediately doused and hid the brand. When Althaea found out that Meleager had killed her brother and one of her sons, Althaea placed the brand that she had stolen from the Fates (the one that the Fates predicted, once engulfed with fire, would kill Meleager) upon the fire, thus fulfilling the prophecy and killing Meleager.
An althea is any of a group of plants belonging to the genus Althaea, including the hollyhocks and mallows, which are native to Eurasia.
No he didn't if you are talking about 1 wife, as he had 4 wives: Aphrodite (his sister), Ariadne, Nyx and Althaea.
she is a goddess. she is the goddess of wisdom and war.
The possessive form of "goddess" is "goddess's."
There was no goddess named Venas. However, there is a Roman goddess named Venus, who was the goddess of love and beauty. This goddess is named Aphrodite.