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Well kinda, Syria was fist given to the French who let it become independent, it was part of the Ottoman empire before WWI, a Muslim empire that at that point had control of almost all Middle East Asia, to get back on target, no not after WWI but later.

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No. After World War I, Syria shifted from being controlled by the Ottoman Empire, to being part of the French Overseas Empire as the Mandate of Syria. Syria only achieved true independence in 1943, when the Syrians declared independence from Vichy French government and were recognized by the Free French.

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Q: After World War one did Syria become an independent country?
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When did Syria become a country?

Syria became an independent country in 1946 after gaining independence from French colonial rule.

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It depends on how the question is intended. Syria first became a country around 3000 BC as the Kingdom of Aram/Aramea. However, modern Syria became independent in April 1946 as pressure from Syrian Nationalist forces and the British forced the French to evacuate their troops. The Syrian Nationalists then adoped the republican government created during the French Mandatory Period.

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