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Changing plants or animals to make them more useful to humans is known as domestication. One important example would be the horse. Horses used to run wild until Native Americans tamed them and used them for travel and for work.

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Domestication is the act of adapting plants or animals for human use by controlling their breeding and living conditions to enhance traits desired by humans. This process has led to the development of numerous domesticated species that serve various purposes for human societies, such as providing food, clothing, transportation, and companionship.

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Q: Act of adapting plants or animals for human use?
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How do animals know which plants safe to eat?

Animals have evolved the ability to differentiate between safe and toxic plants through a combination of taste, smell, and visual cues. Some animals also learn from their parents or other members of their social group which plants are safe to eat. Additionally, some plant compounds emit signals that act as warning signs to animals, helping them avoid toxic plants.

Does human urine kill plants?

In small amounts, human urine can act as a fertilizer for plants due to its nitrogen content. However, if applied in excess, it can be harmful to plants as the high concentration of salts and urea can burn and damage their roots. It is best to dilute urine with water before using it as a fertilizer for plants.

How does killing animals harm the forest?

Killing animals can disrupt the ecosystem balance in the forest by affecting food chains, population dynamics, and nutrient cycling. This can lead to cascading effects on plant growth, soil health, and overall biodiversity, ultimately harming the forest's health and stability.

Dependence of animals on plant life?

Animals depend on plant life for food and oxygen through processes like photosynthesis. Herbivores directly consume plants for nutrients, while carnivores rely on herbivores for food. Additionally, plants provide habitats for animals to live and reproduce. This interdependence is crucial for maintaining ecosystems.

What are the plants protected by thorns?

Plants protected by thorns include roses, cacti, blackberry bushes, and bougainvillea. Thorns act as a defense mechanism for these plants, deterring animals and humans from damaging or consuming them.

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What are animal behaviors?

Animal behavior is the things that animals do that represents the way they feel. It is how they act and sometimes shows how they are adapting.

Why is representation a balancing act?

Because it help animals eat plants

Is Suicide is Act of man or Human act?

Suicide is a human act. FYI, an act of man is an act that can be shared with other animals. This includes acts such as sleeping and eating. A human act, on the other hand, is an act that is proper ONLY to man. Such acts include cursing and the like. So suicide is an act that only man can think of and, therefore, making it a human act since animals would never attempt to suicide because every animal's instinct is to survive.

What is social accommodation?

Social accommodation is the act of fitting in or adapting.

What makes man human?

The spirit that is within man makes him human, as opposed to the spirit of animals which make them animals. Man has the ability to reason while animals act mostly by instinct.

What do animals act like if are abused?

Animals that are abused will generally be dramatized and will want to stay away from any human.

What are the organisms that act on dead plants and animals?

Mainly bacteria, although fungus will also consume dead plants and animals, as will various types of worms, insects, and assorted scavengers.

What is the opposite meaning of adaptation?

The act or process of adapting, or fitting; or the state of being adapted or fitted; fitness., The result of adapting; an adapted form.

What is the meaning of adaptation?

The act or process of adapting, or fitting; or the state of being adapted or fitted; fitness., The result of adapting; an adapted form.

What is the common meaning of adaptation?

The act or process of adapting, or fitting; or the state of being adapted or fitted; fitness., The result of adapting; an adapted form.

What do you call the organisms that act on dead plants and animals?

Organisms that act on dead plants and animals are called decomposers. They play a crucial role in breaking down organic matter and returning nutrients to the ecosystem. Examples of decomposers include bacteria, fungi, and certain insects.

Why do animals eat but not plants?

Plants are autotrophic. They internally convert energy into food. The act of eating (moving food from the outside to the inside) is thus not neccessary.